Southern Maryland Health and Life
John Clark
(240) 298-5276
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Retirement Income

You have worked hard and carefully saved for retirement. You are probably looking forward to retirement. Like most, you most likely have plans to do all the things you enjoy, like

spend time with the grandkids

and on and on

The question most people have as they reach retirement is "How do I make sure I don't outlive my money?" If only there were a way to turn your retirement savings into a guaranteed lifetime income. Well. There is.

If you are nearing retirement or still saving for retirement, I can show you how to maximize your savings and increase your savings more than traditional methods like savings accounts or CDs. And, you still have access to your money if you need it. And, you enjoy the same no risk approach you enjoy through your savings account and CD. If your money is sitting in a savings account or CD, you are paying taxes on the interest. I can show you how to grow your retirement savings tax-deferred.

If you are in retirement or just entering into retirement, I can help you maximize your retirement savings into a retirement income that you can't outlive. And, you still have access to your money for unexpected expenses.

You can put your retirement savings into a tax deductible IRA. Small business owners can put their saving into a tax dedcutible SEP using pre-tax dollars. Then as you continue to save for retirement, your money will grow tax-deferred.

If you are interested in learning more about a no-risk method to save for retirement, maximize your retirement dollars, and guarantee you don’t outlive your money, call me to schedule a no obligation consultation.